Hi all,

I would like to share with you this little open-source project of mine, PyQtShell:

I've just started it a few days ago and I worked on it only a couple of hours at home this week and saturday morning... so do not expect a revolution here. But I thought that some of you might be interested in contributing or simply testing it.

Here is an extract from the Google Code website:

PyQtShell is intended to be an extension to PyQt4 (module PyQt4.QtShell) providing a console application (see screenshots below) based on independent widgets which interact with each other: - QShell, a Python shell with useful options (like a '-os' switch for importing os and os.path as osp, a '-pylab' switch for importing matplotlib in interactive mode, ...) and advanced features like code completion (requires QScintilla, i.e. module PyQt4.Qsci)
   - CurrentDirChanger: shows the current directory and allows to change it
Not implemented :
- GlobalsExplorer: shows globals() list with some properties for each global (e.g. value for int or float, min and max values for arrays, ...) and allows to open an appropriate GUI editor
   - and other widgets: FileExplorer, CodeEditor, ...

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