On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 18:21:29 +0200, "Ville M. Vainio" <vivai...@gmail.com>
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Phil Thompson
> <p...@riverbankcomputing.com> wrote:
>> The selection of a language happens much earlier than the selection of a
>> GUI toolkit. A GUI toolkit is (or at least should be) a relatively minor
> Sometimes, the gui toolkit is selected for you. This may not be true
> for pc software, but my personal interest here lies in mobile device
> development, and Maemo / S60 platforms. Both are moving to have Qt as
> the primary native toolkit, and that's really what your program should
> use to "integrate natively" with the rest of the gui (read: it's most
> likely that you will be paid for a project that requires you to use
> Qt). Traditionally, the sdk's to both of these platforms have been
> free-as-in-beer-for-commercial-development, and that expectation may
> still remain - someone could with few hundred developers under him
> could make a "strategic" choice based on that alone. I'm not
> necessarily arguing that it's a good choice, but it's just something
> that may happen, given the basic human psychology (cheapskate
> knee-jerk reaction).
> This is lots of will/would/could, but that's because Qt is just
> "starting to happen" in my universe. Mostly in C++, but I think it
> would be nice if Python gained a strong foothold here as well.

Now that you have qualified your context I can agree with you. But, for the
moment at least, that's a very small part of the developer base.

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