I used wxwidgets for a while for my app (http://ichi2.net/anki) which
runs on Linux, Win32 and Mac. It was really painful. Compared to pyqt,
there were many platform specific bugs I had to work around, and at
the time wxwidgets' "rich text widget" on Mac did not even support
text centering. I moved to pyqt and never looked back.

As for DB support, I prefer to do it in python and use sqlalchemy, as
an ORM makes certain operations a lot more convenient.

2009/3/17 Stuart McGraw <smcg2...@frii.com>:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to decide on a GUI toolkit to use in a
> Python application that has lot of database (Postgresql)
> interaction.
> I have never used PyQt, used WxPython a little, but have
> not used any GUI toolkit enough to make a decision based
> on personal experience, hence this request for some guidance.
> Is it true the stock PyQt for Windows does not come with a
> database driver for PostgreSQL?  (I am using version Postgresql
> 8.3.5 if it matters).  Is a windows binary available anywhere
> that has whatever is needed to work with Pg?
> Alternatively, is it possible to use Qt's SQL-based controls
> with a Python DBI database driver (pysopg2 for example)?
> Finally (no intent to troll), any comments on the ease or
> lack thereof, developing database apps in PyQt vs other
> GUI toolkits (wxPython, Dabo, etc)?
> Thanks for any enlightenment.
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