Hello. I'm new to PyQt, so dont be to hard on me. I need help with creating
a QRegExpValidator which would validate my input and would make it
I came up with this by browsing this list and searching the net and Qt
documentation, but it's not working.

class Validator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator):
     def __init__(self, parent=None):
        RegExp = QtCore.QRegExp('[A-Z]')
        QtGui.QRegExpValidator.__init__(self, RegExp, parent)

     def fixup(self, input):
        print 'fixup'

Fixup is not getting called... Why?

I have also tried a solution where I made a regular regexp validator and a
signal and slot which would make my input uppercase, but then that signal
overrides the validator.

What is the proper way to achieve this?

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