On 2009-03-18, Till Gerken wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Gert-Jan <gj_den_hei...@hotmail.com> 
> > Class GUI:
> >        def __init__(self):
> >                tableWidget = QtGui.QTableWidget()
> >                # Code to insert 5 columns and make a horizontal header)
> >                self.connect(tableWidget.horizontalHeader,
> > QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.random_function)
> >
> >        def random_function(self):
> >                print 'ok'
> >
> > However, double-clicking the header does not make the console print 'ok'.

Uh, just off the top of my head (and untested), shouldn't it be:

        QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked(QModelIndex)"), self.random_function)


or if you just want to know the column that was clicked


> If you double click, the signal should be doubleClicked().
> Till
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