On Sat, 28 Mar 2009 21:16:31 +0100, David Boddie <da...@boddie.org.uk>
> On Sat Mar 28 12:57:12 GMT 2009, Phil Thompson wrote:
>> On Sat, 28 Mar 2009 13:46:48 +0100, Giovanni Bajo <rasky at develer.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > is this a good moment to test SIP/PyQt snapshots against Qt 4.5.0?
>> Yes. I'm currently working on pyuic4 - everything else should be
>> production
>> ready.
> I've found a couple of issues with PyQt-x11-gpl-4.5-snapshot-20090327
> Python 2.5.4:
>  * pyrcc4 now requires you to pass -py2 for Python 2.x code - this breaks
>    existing build environments. Is there a way that it could figure out
>    which version of Python it is running with and use that to determine
>    what
>    kind of code to generate?

I can't think of one (until pyrcc4 is re-written in Python). You only need
to pass -py2 for Python 2.5.x and earlier.  If it was for Python 2.x then I
would have made it the default.

>  * There's a conflict between the error() signal and the error() method
>    QNetworkReply. You can see this by obtaining the Google Suggest
>    from the http://labs.trolltech.com/gitweb?p=GraphicsDojo repository.
>    (Use "git clone git://labs.trolltech.com/GraphicsDojo" to get those
>    examples or download a snapshot.)

Hmm - I need to think about that one.

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