
On Friday 10 April 2009 20:26:37 Jason Voegele wrote:
> I am a relative newcomer to Python and I don't know much about the Global
> Interpreter Lock (GIL) in general.  However, I am developing a PyQt
> application that makes fairly heavy use of QThread to perform multiple
> tasks concurrently.  I've heard some vague statements that PyQt manages the
> GIL automatically, but can someone give a more precise statement about how
> the GIL works for PyQt applications, especially when QThread is involved? 
> Are there any gotchas that I need to look out for?

Are your QThread-derived threads written in python or in C++? If they are 
python, you hit the same limitation the threading-derived threads hit: Only 
one thread can be executed in the python-interpreter at a time. And even if 
PyQt releases the GIL automaticly, it can't release it if you are executing 
If your threads are C++ classes I think SIP/PyQt will release the GIL so your 
threads will truly run in parallel (assuming you have more then one 

Have fun,


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