It works exactly like the QLineEdit, because the widget it calls IS a
QLineEdit (really not always: if it is a number it calls a QSpinBox or
a QDoubleSpinBox, if it is a date a QDateEdit or a QDateTimeEdit

The widget is returned by the function QTableWidget.itemDelegate().


2009/7/6 Mario Daniel Carugno <>:
> Hi list, i have a little problem here.
> I setup a QTableWidget with editable items. When i press ENTER or
> doubleclick on an item,
> it becomes editable. After edit, when i press ENTER again, editing ends.
> I need to trap that last event. I need to do something when user press
> ENTER after editing,
> to save changes to storage system.
> Is there some signal emited for that ? Something wich works like
> editingFinished for Line Inputs,
> but i can't find something like that for Table Widget Items.
> Thanks
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