check the imageformats solution described in my tutorial -

2009/7/6 Ruan WenBO <>

> Hello :
>        I am trying Py2exe to migrate a pyqt4 app to Windows from my Ubuntu.
> The problem is all the icons on my application window disappeared.
>        I use qt designer to create my main window and create my resource
> file. Then compile the .ui file and .prc file in Eric4 IDE. To execute the
> python code is all right but the icons disappeared after I compiled with
> py2exe and executing the *.exe file!
>        Any idea?
>        Anothem problem is the action function's name is difference with
> Ubuntu and Windows, such as on_action_Open_activated(self) works ok in
> Ubuntu, but in Windows I must use on_action_Open_triggered(self). I don`t
> think it is a good design.\
>     regards,
> drizt.ruan
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