
as always, your support is plain awesome!

See below for a follow-up-question:

the subject pretty much says it all. I upgraded to the latest SIP because I experienced a strange endless-loop-kind of behavior in the 4.7.* I had before, and now my building bails out with the

  sip: Unsupported type argument to type2string()

error message.

You can find the mercurial repository at


Any ideas?

Two changes in tonight's snapshot...

...to fix the type2string() problem

...to detect recursive class hierarchies - it's now obvious what's causing
your looping.

Great, I've been bitten by that before - but this time there was quite a bit of time between altering the source, and trying to compile it again, so I forgot.

You also have a couple of syntax errors - forgetting the // around

Yep, saw these - it was the first time I was using them anyway, and thus I hadn't the syntax down.

And the reason I started with them is that I have a memory-management-issue that is beyond my current understanding.

The library I'm wrapping employs it's own refcounting-scheme. The calls "grab" and "drop" are used to in- and decrease the refcounter.

Now this leaves me with the problem that

- when I drop() an object, it get's garbage-collected by C++ - but Python keeps a reference, and will of course attempt to de-allocate the object again.

- when I *don't* drop(), and the object is GC'ed by python, there should be an implicit drop() called. I don't see a special method "__del__" which I could use to do that.

So - any suggestions how to tie these two memory-management-systems together?

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