Thanks for the response Phil! Forgive my ignorance but does it assume the default path to the MySQL client libraries or can that path be set? I'm wondering if I can get this working with Wamp which has a different MySQL install path.... Or do the MysSQL libraries need to be install in the Qt directory?


Phil Thompson wrote:
On Mon, 7 Sep 2009 15:44:54 -0700, Christian Caron <>
Phil has control over PyQt. I'm talking about compiling mysql support  
into Trolltech's err I mean Nokia's Qt.

The PyQt installer includes a copy of Qt built with support for MySQL. It
requires the MySQL client libraries to be installed (unlike the PostgreSQL
support which is linked against static libraries).


On Sep 7, 2009, at 3:39 PM, Scott Ballard wrote:

According to Phil, he added MySQL support to the last build...

I'm just wondering why the MySQL drivers can't be compiled into  
the PyQt Windows binary installer, instead we have to compile our  
own Qt/PyQt with the >>MySQL and/or PostGres drivers.
 >They are in the current installers (for Python v2.6 and v3.1). I'm  
updating the installer for Python v2.5.

Christian Caron wrote:
By default, QtSql does't have support for mysql. You have to  
compile it by specifying the right options when ./configuring Qt  
for build.


On Sep 7, 2009, at 3:29 PM, Scott Ballard wrote:

Hey list,

Sorry to ask about this again, but I never got it working and was  
pulled off onto something else. Now I have time to look into it  

I can't seem to get the qmysql driver to work with the QtSQL  
module in PyQt 4.5.4 and Python 2.6.2 on Windows XP SP2.

What exactly is required to make a connection to a MySql database  
from PyQt? I have Wamp installed, running MySql and am able to  
connect to it using the MySQLdb module.

The qmysql4.dll is in the Python26\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\plugins 

Here's the important output:
2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit  
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QODBC3 QODBC QPSQL7 QPSQL

Has anyone gotten this working? Are there any 3rd party DLLs that  
need to be installed? Any hints would be welcome!

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