I just recently started working with OS X, and was wondering if
someone could point me to some discussion about best practices for
installing Qt and PyQt. For example, today I installed the Qt-4.6 beta
dmg, but was surprised that symlinks to tools like designer were not
created on the path. Likewise, I installed the most recent sip and
PyQt4 snapshots, and after installing I was surprised that I could not
find utilities like pyuic4 on the path. I'm using the python that
shipped with snow leopard (2.6.1), and packages using distutils, like
numpy, scipy, matplotlib, Distribute and nose, all installed to
/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages, which I guess is where I want them,
as opposed to /System/Library/Frameworks/... but I think sip and PyQt4
installed into Frameworks. Is this intentional? Any advice from
seasoned os x veterans?

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