I think .text() in Python 3.1 with PyQt4 is returning a python 'str' object, instead of a QString. Try and do type(self.ui.txtText.text()) and see what it returns.

Richard Parker wrote:
I have the following statement in an application that runs fine with Python 2.6 (and PyQt):

        text = self.ui.txtText.text().left(5).toUpper()

In Python 3.1.1 (with PyQt), I get the following error for the first statement:

"    text = self.ui.txtText.text().left(5).toUpper()
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'left' "

The "ui.txtText.text" object is a QLineEdit object, whose documentation indicates that its "text()" function returns a QString object, whose documentatation states that the "left(self, n)" and "toUpper() functions are supported. What has changed between Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 that would account for this error?



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