I don't think you need to use the view pointer at all - it's returning QAbstractItemView *, which I would assume it would need to be casted to the proper class in C++. If that's so, by design the Abstract class will return an invalid index. Try to use self.comboBox.currentIndex() instead - it returns -1 if theres no selected index (which there won't be when you first set the model until you manually or programatically select one)


Claudio Felix wrote:
2010/1/26 Demetrius Cassidy <dcassid...@mass.rr.com>:
How about selecting index 0 once the combobox is initialized with the
database data? It sounds to me that it has no valid index when first
initialized, and if you try to programmatically select the first index, it's
returning an invalid one. You don't need to generate a signal, just use
something like .setCurrentIndex(0).

Thanks for the answer Demetrius. Unfortunately, it didn't change it.
Maybe I do have to use a QDataWidgetMapper on the combo box? I thought
just getting the model associated with it should do it.. it shows all
the models' values indeed...

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