
wrapping happily away a 3D-engine, I encounter the following problem:

>>> import irrlicht
>>> core = irrlicht.irr.core
>>> q = core.quaternion()
>>> q.toEuler()
python(3701) malloc: *** error for object 0x474b70: double free
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
(0.0, -0.0, 0.0)

This is the declaration of toEuler in .sip:

      void toEuler(irr::core::vector3df& euler /Out/) const;

As you can see, it's supposed to modify a passed vector in place. However, I declared vectors to be converted from & to tuples, by this code mapping:

%MappedType irr::core::vector3df
#include <vector3d.h>

  if (!sipCpp)
    return PyTuple_New(0);
  irr::core::vector3df *v = (irr::core::vector3df *)sipCpp;
return PyTuple_Pack(3, PyFloat_FromDouble(v->X),PyFloat_FromDouble(v->Y),PyFloat_FromDouble(v->Z));

   if (sipIsErr == NULL) {
     if(PySequence_Check(sipPy) && PySequence_Length(sipPy) == 3) {
       for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
         PyObject *v = PySequence_GetItem(sipPy, j);
         if(!PyFloat_Check(v) && !PyInt_Check(v)) {
           return false;
       return true;
     return false;
  if (sipPy == Py_None) {
    *sipCppPtr = NULL;
    return 0;

  irr::core::vector3df *v = new irr::core::vector3df();
  irr::core::vector3df &t = *v;
  if(PyArg_ParseTuple(sipPy, "fff", &t.X, &t.Y, &t.Z)) {
    *sipCppPtr = v;
    return 1;
  } else {
    delete v;
    *sipIsErr = 1;
    return 0;

Looking at the generated code, it seems to me it is perfectly fine - it creates a new vector instance, passes that in, converts it to a tuple, and deletes it.

extern "C" {static PyObject *meth_irr_core_quaternion_toEuler(PyObject *, PyObject *);} static PyObject *meth_irr_core_quaternion_toEuler(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs)
    int sipArgsParsed = 0;

        irr::core::vector3df * a0;
        irr::core::quaternion *sipCpp;

if (sipParseArgs(&sipArgsParsed,sipArgs,"B",&sipSelf,sipType_irr_core_quaternion,&sipCpp))
            PyObject *sipResult;
            a0 = new irr::core::vector3df();


sipResult = sipConvertFromNewType(a0,sipType_irr_core_vector3df,NULL);
            delete a0;

            return sipResult;

    /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */

    return NULL;

I don't understand the behavior - anything I miss?


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