Hi Matt and Bastian,

Thanks for your responses.  I am now setting the size of the scene:

    VTKscene = QVTKRenderWindowInteractor(self)
    VTKscene.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(200, 200, 600, 600))
    renWin = VTKscene.GetRenderWindow()

This all works nicely, and I display a cone in the scene that I can rotate.

I also create a widget and a QVBoxLayout that I hope to use as the screen to display VTKscene:

    page_VTK = QtGui.QWidget(self)
    layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(page_VTK)

I can add a couple of widgets to layout (e.g. a QGroupBox, a QSlider), and then add page_VTK to the list of stacked widgets. All this behaves as expected, and I can switch between my screens, one of which is page_VTK. But whatever I do I can't attach VTKscene to page_VTK. If I try:


it just disappears. Without this line I see VTKscene, on top of whatever screen I'm displaying. So the crucial missing step is embedding VTKscene within layout (or page_VTK). The missing step is probably very simple, but my understanding of how Qt works is not adequate to identify it.


Matt Smith wrote:
I looked through the code and two things I see different than what I

a. I set the size of my RenderWindow
b. I keep a reference to it, which probably isn't your problem because
your not getting a seg fault.

I've got an example but I can't verify that it works since I don't have
vtk installed atm.


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