On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 16:49:13 -0500, Josh <jk...@irobot.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> In my dev environment we build packages of Qt, PyQt, SIP, etc on a 
> "central" build machine. Developers use these packages as dependencies 
> for their projects on their own machines. The packages are always 
> installed in different locations than where they were originally built. 
> This leads to a problem where the plethora of paths specified in 
> pyqtconfig.sipconfig._config_stack all refer to the original build 
> machine. So, without some customization, its impossible to build 
> PyQt/SIP wrappers for our Qt C++ widgets.
> My question is this: Is it correct to just pilfer through the elements 
> of pyqtconfig.sipconfig._config_stack and set things up for my system 
> (ie. string replace)?

No - _config_stack is an internal implementation detail.

> Doing that just feels wrong. Is there a better way 
> to go about this?

No - what you are doing is simply unsupported.

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