On 20.07.10 12:36:48, Jason Ferrara wrote:
> I have a need to update a QProgressBar while a slider is begin dragged, 
> without processing user events.
> . 
> I tried calling QProgressBar.repaint(), as shown in the sample code below. 
> This works fine for linux/X11 (and osx/X11), but for osx/aqua I never see the 
> progress bar change. It seems that repaint() under osx has no effect. I'm 
> guessing that it causes drawing to occur to the off screen buffer, but never 
> copies that to the main screen.
> I tried calling QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) 
> instead of QProgressBar.update(). That makes the progress bar update 
> correctly, but I end up with funny slider movements where it jiggles back and 
> forth a bit instead of exactly tracking the mouse, and weird focus issues 
> where the next few mouse clicks after the last call to 
> QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) get sent to the 
> wrong widget.
> In case anyone is wondering why I need to do this...
> My app does data visualization, and I have a slider that makes some 
> adjustments to my display widget. Most of the time the adjustment occurs near 
> instantaneously, so that the user sees the display update in real time as 
> they drag the slider. But occasionally, depending on the nature of the data, 
> the adjustment to the display widget can take up to 10 seconds. So when the 
> adjustment takes a long time I need some way to inform the user that the app 
> is processing their request (and hasn't hung) and give an estimate of how 
> long its going to take for the screen to update. If I allow normal event 
> handling while the adjustment to the widget is begin made (by calling 
> processEvents() or running the adjustment in a separate thread) then the 
> adjustment of the display widget would lag way behind the slider movement, 
> and the user would have the ability to trigger some other operation on the 
> display widget during the adjustment, which would lead to corruption of data 
> in the widget.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the same progress bar update 
> behavior I see under X11 to occur under osx/aqua?

If QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents doesn't do what you want you'll
either have to live without progressbar-updating or try to convince
Nokia that there's a bug in their code that triggers the strange effects
you're seeing.


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