On Tuesday 14 September 2010, 23:59:29 Peter Milliken wrote:
> Exactly how does one find a "matching zip" archive? :-)
> I have looked and they don't make it easy!
> For example, how do I navigate to the 4.7.6 "matching archive"? Foolishly
> I thought that if I just used your link and changed the numbers it would
> work - foolish boy!

Peter, we're talking about the Qt, not PyQt version. These are two different 
projects, that corelate, but not version wise, e.g. PyQt 4.7.6 will also 
build fine on top of an old Qt 4.1.0. I provided a link to the latest 
stable _Qt_ version. And no, it wouldn't harm too much to just use that 
one, as long as the delta of installed version doesn't deviate too much 
from the doc: say, a delta of <= 0.1.9 is acceptable. Qt's class hierarchy 
doesn't grow rapidly and change in backward compatible ways only..

Btw, Nokia decided to rename the Qt package lately, don't let that fool you.

> Any clues how to navigate through all of this? It certainly isn't easy
> for people who want to "migrate" to PyQt! The learning curve seems to be
> littered with quite unnecessary pitfalls such as supplying an "Assistant"
> in the distribution but no documentation to use it with! :-(

Come on, Peter, that's not fair. Phil decided to not provide the bulky docs 
in an otherwise pretty complete package for Windows users: please respect 
that. He has to pay for your downloads in some ways (and is doing a lot of 
work for generating those packages beforehand).

What might be cool is providing a hint, what could be done about the doc. 

Or what about YOU providing a little PyQt script, that does download, 
extract, and install that files? Would be a nice beginners project, that 
the (Windows-)world is waiting for ;-)

I'm basically on openSUSE linux (and Mac from time to time), therefor my 
install procedures look quite differently (and I'm sharing my builds for 
these flavors here): 

> I am starting to think I might have been better off staying with Tkinter
> and its derivatives...

You get what you deserve. It's *your* decision after all.


> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 4:48 AM, Hans-Peter Jansen <h...@urpla.net> wrote:
> > Download a matching zip archive, e.g.:
> > ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3.zip
> >, extract the doc/qch/*.qch files and register them within assistant.
> >
> > Pete
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