On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:55 AM, fpp <fpp....@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Eric Frederich
> <eric.freder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Trying to get my first PyQt MainWindow application going.
> > Its going to be to edit multiple [we'll just call them] documents in
> tabs.
> > I will have several dockwidgets that need to correspond to the currently
> > selected tab.
> > So when the tab changes, or the data within the document changes, several
> > dockwidgets need to be kept in sync.
> > Some questions.
> > 1) How do I create static members for these dockwidgets on my subclass of
> > QMainWindow?
> > I'd like to do this so I don't have to pass around the actual reference
> to
> > an instance of the subclass (just import MyMainWindow at the top and get
> it
> > using MyMainWindow.dockWidgetX).
> > Right now I'm creating them during __init__ of my QMainWindow subclass
> and
> > they actually take references to other instance objects but I can
> re-factor
> > it to get those things later on.
> > Is having static members an advisable thing to do?  If not, please tell
> me a
> > better way to do it.  Passing around instances of the main window seems
> like
> > its wrong to me, but again, I'm a newbie.
> I'm not sure I understand this one correctly, but if you create your
> project with eric4 (and thus design your UI with Qt Designer), that is
> exactly the result you will get, so it's probably good practice...
> > 2) What is a good strategy for keeping the dock widgets in sync?
> The standard Qt way is to connect the signal emitted by the tab bar
> when you change tabs, to a slot (method) in your dock widgets so they
> will update their contents accordingly.

fpp, you didn't 'reply to all'
Since I'm replying to you I'm bringing the discussion back to the mailing

In regard to question 2)
So if I connect the tab bar's currentChanged(int) signal to a dock widget's
method, where does the dock widget get the data from?
Would the dock widget instance need to have a pointer to the the tab widget
or to something else?
This is what I'm confused about.
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