If a layout is a child of FormLayout the setStretch calls are not generated.
Besides if grid-position[0] == 0 the form does not stretch as in QT creator
(role is marked as label instead of field).

I admit I don't really know the pyuic internals. This hack fixes the issue I
found, hope it makes some sense...

            Giuseppe Corbelli
WASP Software Engineer, Copan Italia S.p.A
Phone: +390303666104  Fax: +390302659932
E-mail: giuseppe.corbe...@copanitalia.com
--- uic/uiparser_orig.py        2010-09-20 12:14:04 +0000
+++ uic/uiparser.py     2010-09-22 13:44:27 +0000
@@ -406,14 +401,15 @@
         if self.stack.topIsLayout():
             top_layout = self.stack.peek()
             gp = elem.attrib["grid-position"]
             if isinstance(top_layout, QtGui.QFormLayout):
-                if gp[1]:
+                if gp[3]:
                     role = QtGui.QFormLayout.FieldRole
                     role = QtGui.QFormLayout.LabelRole
+                self.configureLayout(elem, layout)
                 top_layout.setLayout(gp[0], role, layout)
                 self.configureLayout(elem, layout)
                 top_layout.addLayout(layout, *gp)

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