Dear Phil,

unfortunately, this issue is actively holding back current sip for them and 
it blocks a complete build of my PyQt project in build service, too.

It even made it into kde's bug tracking system already: 

I know, PyKDE is not your business, but before I revert and downgrade sip,  
it would be nice, if you could look briefly into it.


On Friday 24 September 2010, 13:04:26 Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 September 2010, 11:25:21 Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> > Unfurtunately, here's the next stumbling point:
> >
> > /usr/include/kio/tcpslavebase.h: In function 'PyObject*
> > slot_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult___xor__(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
> > /usr/include/kio/tcpslavebase.h:63: error: 'enum
> > KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResultDetail' is protected
> > /usr/share/sip/PyQt4/QtCore/qglobal.sip:320: error: within this context
> > /usr/include/kio/tcpslavebase.h: In function 'PyObject*
> > slot_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult___or__(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
> > /usr/include/kio/tcpslavebase.h:63: error: 'enum
> > KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResultDetail' is protected
> > /usr/share/sip/PyQt4/QtCore/qglobal.sip:315: error: within this context
> >
> > Phil, this one is due to the logic operator changes. It's not obvious,
> > what's going wrong, but related to the friend class QFlags
> > declararation, where qglobal.sip got pulled in..
> >
> > Here's the KDE class excerpt:
> >
> > class KIO_EXPORT TCPSlaveBase : public SlaveBase
> > {
> > public:
> >     /**
> >      * Constructor.
> >      *
> >      * @param autoSsl if true, will automatically invoke startSsl()
> > right after *                connecting. In the absence of errors the
> > use of SSL will *                therefore be transparent to higher
> > layers. */ TCPSlaveBase(const QByteArray &protocol,
> >                  const QByteArray &poolSocket, const QByteArray
> > &appSocket, bool autoSsl = false);
> >
> >     virtual ~TCPSlaveBase();
> >
> > protected:
> >     enum SslResultDetail {
> >         ResultOk = 1,
> >         ResultOverridden = 2,
> >         ResultFailed = 4,
> >         ResultFailedEarly = 8
> >     };
> >     friend class QFlags<KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResultDetail>;
> > public:
> >     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SslResult, SslResultDetail)
> > protected:
> > [...]
> >
> > and the related sip file excerpt:
> >
> > %ModuleHeaderCode
> > //ctscc
> > #include <forwardingslavebase.h>
> > #include <slavebase.h>
> > #include <tcpslavebase.h>
> > %End
> >
> > namespace KIO
> > {
> >
> > class TCPSlaveBase : KIO::SlaveBase
> > {
> > %TypeHeaderCode
> > #include <tcpslavebase.h>
> > %End
> >
> >
> > public:
> >     TCPSlaveBase (const QByteArray& protocol, const QByteArray&
> > poolSocket, const QByteArray& appSocket, bool autoSsl = 0);
> >
> >
> > protected:
> >     enum SslResultDetail
> >     {
> >         ResultOk,
> >         ResultOverridden,
> >         ResultFailed,
> >         ResultFailedEarly
> >     };
> > [...]
> >
> > Both attached.
> And here's the offending sip generated code (for the __xor__ method):
> extern "C" {static PyObject
> *slot_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult___xor__(PyObject *,PyObject *);} static
> PyObject *slot_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult___xor__(PyObject
> *sipArg0,PyObject *sipArg1) {
>     PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL;
>     {
>         KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResult * a0;
>         int a0State = 0;
>         KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResult * a1;
>         int a1State = 0;
>         if (sipParsePair(&sipParseErr, sipArg0, sipArg1, "J1J1",
> sipType_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult, &a0, &a0State, sipT
> ype_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult, &a1, &a1State))
>         {
>             KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResult *sipRes;
>             Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS
>             sipRes = new KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResult((*a0 ^ *a1));
>             Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS
> sipReleaseType(a0,sipType_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult,a0State);
> sipReleaseType(a1,sipType_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult,a1State);
>             return
> sipConvertFromNewType(sipRes,sipType_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult,NULL); }
>     }
>     {
>         KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResult * a0;
>         int a0State = 0;
>         int a1;
>         if (sipParsePair(&sipParseErr, sipArg0, sipArg1, "J1i",
> sipType_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult, &a0, &a0State, &a1)) {
>             KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResult *sipRes = 0;
> #line 320 "/usr/share/sip/PyQt4/QtCore/qglobal.sip"
>         sipRes = new KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResult(*a0 ^
> (KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResultDetail(a1))); #line 7221 "sipkiopart0.cpp"
> sipReleaseType(a0,sipType_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult,a0State);
>             return
> sipConvertFromNewType(sipRes,sipType_KIO_TCPSlaveBase_SslResult,NULL); }
>     }
>     Py_XDECREF(sipParseErr);
>     if (sipParseErr == Py_None)
>         return NULL;
>     return
> sipPySlotExtend(&sipModuleAPI_kio,xor_slot,NULL,sipArg0,sipArg1); }
> The question is, why can't this method access the protected enum
> KIO::TCPSlaveBase::SslResultDetail(a1)
> Does it have to be declared as friend class or some such?
> Any ideas anyone?
> Pete
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