On Oct 30, 2010, at 1:12 PM, Phil Thompson wrote:

>> First thing I noticed is that SIP uses its own set of mkspecs.  Why not
>> use mkspecs from Qt?
> Because SIP is not specific to Qt.
Does SIP *always* compile in the Qt config info, even if Qt is not installed?  
Seems odd.

Or is the 'platform' value not specific to Qt, but happens to match Qt spec 
names when Qt was found?  As long as I understand this, then I can live with 
explicitly setting the spec for PyQt and hacking a custom spec for building SIP.

>> I traced it to configure.py, get_build_macros(), where it forces
>> "macx-g++" for darwin and "default" for everything else.  Why doesn't
> PyQt
>> use the platform config value from SIP?
> Because the default on Mac is to use XCode. Maybe a better thing to do
> would be only force macx-g++ when the detected value is macx-xcode.
The default for a long time with the binaries from Qt has been macx-g++.  I 
even played around with compiling my own Qt recently (4.6.x) and the default 
was macx-g++.  I have some notes from compiling 4.1 and I didn't do anything to 
change the default, and though I don't remember what that default was I 
probably would have noticed if it was macx-xcode.

>> Sure, I can set QMAKESPEC in the
>> shell environment, but I was expecting PyQt to get everything from SIP.
>> I guess the SIP local mkspecs copy is the main problem.  Everything else
> I
>> can work around with configuration and environment settings, but the SIP
>> mkspecs problem requires a hack.
> Linux distros have a history of "improving" the spec files. PyQt should be
> built with the same compiler flags as Qt, which is why PyQt uses the spec
> files from Qt.

I meant, PyQt could get the *name* of the spec file to use from SIP, not *use* 
the spec file from SIP (which is not installed anyways).  If the 'platform' 
from SIP is the spec name.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"Those people who most want to rule people are, ipso-facto, those least suited 
to do it."

- A rule of the universe, from the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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