Hi wingusr,

On Tuesday 02 November 2010, 20:56:35 TP wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Hans-Peter Jansen <h...@urpla.net> 
> > On Tuesday 19 October 2010, 07:41:55 TP wrote:
> >> I'm trying to write my first PyQt program. I eventually plan on
> >> creating an open-source PyQt app that explores the use of various
> >> image processing operations (using the Leptonica C library
> >> http://www.leptonica.com as the underlying image processing
> >> engine).
> >
> > Good luck. Looks like you need to wrap it before you leap. While I
> > didn't dived into it too deeply, my guess is, that opencv might
> > also be an interesting experimental image manipulation platform,
> > that quite a few people would love to play with..
> Oh, I've already done some "proof of concept" work. I've managed to
> call various Leptonica functions from Python via ctypes. I am also
> able to convert Leptonica's Pix structure to a QPixmap (via a
> QImage). Therefore I can, for example, deskew a document page and
> display it in a Qt Window without having to write a file to disk.

Since you managed access to Leptonica via ctypes, then wrapping it with 
sip won't be that big of a deal for you.

> I'm 
> currently at the point where I have to make some tricky UI design
> decisions.
> OpenCV is, I believe, more focused on Computer Vision than Leptonica.
> My application will mainly be dealing with document image processing
> so Leptonica is a better fit. It is also a "pedagogically-oriented
> open source site" so it's website and commented C source code is
> helpful when trying to learn document image processing techniques (I
> haven't looked at opencv's source code so I don't know how readable
> it is). Additionally, Leptonica is being used by the Tesseract OCR
> project (http://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/) which I also one
> day hope to incorporate.

Sounds interesting, indeed.


> >> As far as testing goes, I not sure how one goes about testing PyQt
> >> GUI apps other than using them?

I forgot to mention the QtTest module.

> > That's another reason to look into dip. Phil is also doing some
> > testing ;-)
> I spent a day or so reading the dip documentation. I think, for now,
> using the entire framework is a bit too complex for my needs (the
> final "Complete Example" made my head explode :P). I might, however,
> use the dip.ui and dip.model stuff.

My head exploded after looking into the source due to trying to resolve 
some issues...


> >> How can I specify NumPad /, NumPad *, and NumPad 5 as keyboard
> >> shortcuts?
> >
> > You may get away with using some multimedia keyboard symbols, but I
> > don't know any (portable) method to differentiate between Keypad /
> > and the / key. David Boddie, do you?
> Googling around I see the question asked a number of times but no
> definitive ansower so far.

Well, looking into the code didn't revealed an answer, either.


> Thanks for all your input. I guess my original post just scared 
> people away since you were the only person to respond :( 

Sure, you did.

> Now that I've published documentation at
> http://tpgit.github.com/MDIImageViewer/index.html, maybe more people
> would be inclined to look at the project at
> http://github.com/tpgit/MDIImageViewer/ and comment?
> I may post to the Qt mailing list since the remaining issues aren't
> really PyQt specific and they might have suggestions on the overall
> design.

As long as you don't expect as concise answers as you may yield here, go 
ahead ;-)

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