Hi Phil, hi *,

attached are a collection of the webkit examples:


A few notes:
They demonstrate different aspects in using the webkit, and how 
javascript code and the webkit object model interact with PyQt code.

Most are transcoded 1:1 from their C++ originals. I made a few 
adjustments in naming the ui files and classes for consistence and in 
order to not interfere with others. That allows them being kept 
together in a single folder. 

fancybrowser.py is a _very_ simple, but funny browser which shows 
gimmicks like turning images upside down, and modifying the displayed 
page by removing some elements.

The command line program framecapture.py differs from the original in 
such a way, that it is possible to capture page images from sites like 
http://spiegel.de correctly (basically an awfully tall page), where the 
original fails to render everything below a screen height worth of 

simpleselector.py is slightly improved in that it reverts the last 
action before applying the next. Hence, it is possible to revert any 
changes by highlighting an empty element.

From the statistical department, it's worth to note, that all scripts 
together with all auxiliary source files (ui, resources) are about the 
same size as the single jquery module used by fancybrowser!


Attachment: webkit-20101129.tar.bz2
Description: application/tbz

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