On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 15:56, Wolfgang Rohdewald <wolfg...@rohdewald.de>wrote:

> On Freitag 03 Dezember 2010, KONTRA, Gergely wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I suspect QSqlTableModel.rowCount cannot return numbers above
> > 256.
> rowCount is not the number of rows in the table but in the model,
> AFAIK. Use fetchMore() to load more.

Thats not logical.
mention what is exactly rowCount, and one should expect the number
of rows based on the name...

fetchMore will then fetch all rows. I don't want that, just would like to
know the number of rows, or just load the last record.

> And can somebody tell me why this code is this painfully

 you execute 300 transactions. If you use db.transaction()
> after db.open() and db.commit() after model.submitAll(), this
> is only one transaction and much faster.
Sounds reasonable, thanks.
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