On 2010-12-08 "Hans-Peter Jansen" <h...@urpla.net> said:

> On Friday 03 December 2010, 11:12:42 Vicent Mas wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > the attached script shows a bug in QFileDialog. If on a given dialog
> > you call setLabelText(QFileDialog.Accept, text) and then you call
> > setFileMode(FileMode) then the label is not set and the default label
> > is used. If you call setFileMode(FileMode) first and then you call
> > setLabelText(QFileDialog.Accept, text) then the label is set.
> > 
> > As you can see in the script the problem only happens with the
> > QFileDialog.Accept constant. Other QFileDialog.DialogLabel constants
> > work fine.
> > 
> > I don't know if it is a Qt bug or a PyQt one. Neither I know if the
> > problem is in the setLabelText method or in th setFileMode one.
> Confirmed with:
> python: 2.6
> sip: 4.12-snapshot-b202f0d04ba6
> qt4: 4.7.1
> pyqt4: snapshot-4.8.2-e73d5045bea5
> This script is simple enough to do a C++ version, as I doubt that this
> is a PyQt issue. Then, you need that version anyway to report this to
> Nokia. ;-)
> Pete

Thanks for your answer Pete.

I've never written in C++. I suppose this is a good time for starting :D


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