On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 19:50:21 +0100, Ullrich Martini
<mail...@ullrich.martini.name> wrote:
> Hello,
> here are more datails.
> I use MacOS 10.6.5, I assume that this is valid for any recent Mac. I
> assume further that this here does not apply to a non-Mac computer.
> Enable Japanese Input:
> - Start System Settings
> - Under Personal Settings there is a blue flag. Click that
> - A new Window opens with the Title "Language & Text"
> - Select the tab input sources
> - Scroll down to "kotoeri"
> - Select Kotoeri, then Hiragana (you may select more languages and input
> methods, but Hiragana is all I need here)
> see http://redcocoon.org/cab/mysoft.html
> I assume that other languages have the same issue. Therefore, I would
> recommend to redo this with other non-latin languages.
> Entering Japanese text
> Start the test Program (I attached it again)
> In the top bar of the screen, next to the clock,  you should see a flag
> (British, USA, German, whatever the default of your Mac is). Click that
> flag.
> Click Hiragana. The flag should change to a white-on-black curly symbol
> the Japanese "a". If your email Program supports utf-8 correctly, you
> should be able to see it here
> (now you can't enter any non-japanese text, on particular you can't type
> the name of the test program in a shell)
> Select the window
> Press 'k' (any consonant would do here) An underlined k should appear
> Press 'a'  --> Wrong behavior: underlined k disappears; --> Correct
> behavior: k turns into か, the japanese syllable 'ka'
> If you see the k disappear you have reproduced the issue.
> Displaying japanese stuff
> In my case the second attached program shows something garbled for the
> string "日本" (japanese for Japan), although I had used an utf-16 editor
> had made sure it's actually saved it as utf-16. Of course the utf-16
> might get lost during email transport. 
> I delete the garbled stuff with backspace and get the warning
> "QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '7' out of range"
> I  have used some japanese characters in this mail, (1) because this
> clarifies things and (2) to let you or Phil see if your computers can
> handle japanese characters at all. I assume that if you don't see them
> correctly there is no point in trying to reproduce the issue. 

Am I right in assuming that pasting the characters into the widgets
doesn't demonstrate the problem?

If so, can somebody give me equivalent instructions for KDE?

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