On Tuesday 04 January 2011, 14:08:11 Phil Thompson wrote:
> The problem...
> v2 of the QVariant API (the default for Python v3) eliminates
> QVariant as a Python type.  Python objects are converted to and from
> C++ QVariants automatically as and when required.  An invalid C++
> QVariant is converted to and from None.  The problem is that there is
> currently no way to represent a null C++ QVariant as a Python object.
>  This is particularly an issue when using the Qt SQL classes.
> The proposed solution...
> A new Python type, QPyNullVariant, will be implemented (as a mapped
> type) which will automatically be converted to and from a null C++
> QVariant.
> Its __init__ method will take a single argument that is either a
> Python type object or a string describing a C++ type.
> It will have type(), typeName() and userType() methods that will
> delegate to the QVariant's method of the same name.
> It will have a isNull() method that always returns True.
> When converting a C++ QVariant to a Python object a null QVariant
> will be converted to a QPyNullVariant unless the type of the data in
> the QVariant has an isNull() method.  The exception to this rule is a
> null QString which, even though it has an isNull() method, will be
> converted to a QPyNullVariant. (The reason for the exception is
> because - for very good reasons - PyQt converts a null QString to an
> empty unicode/str object.)
> This conversion rule means that existing code that populates models
> will continue to work.  For example, when a null QDate is added to a
> model, it will still be read as a null QDate.  It also means that the
> object retrieved from an SQL model should always have an isNull()
> method that returns the correct value.
> The rule introduces an incompatibility for models that may be
> populated from C++, typically SQL data.  For example a null value in
> an int column of an SQL table will now be returned as a
> QPyNullVariant rather than an integer with the value 0.  This
> compatibility is considered acceptable, because the current
> implementation is arguably broken anyway, and will be addressed by a
> "potential incompatibilities" section in the documentation. (The
> alternative would be to introduce v3 of the QVariant API.)

This sounds like a reasonable fix to the problem. Those, that populate 
their databases with wrapped C++ instances should be able to solve this 
slight incompatibility themself, but I guess, that such users doesn't 
exist anyway.

For those, that are interested in fixing the related problem of the 
inability to use invalid dates and times with QDateEdit/QTimeEdit might 
want to vote for:


which is a major PITA in this respect (probably the last).

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