there was a change in sip/pyqt from 4.8.1 to 4.8.2 regarding
the detection of objects deleted by qt but still referenced in
python (which is the case here).  in 4.8.1 sip/pyqt tried to
detect this to avoid segfaults.  this detection however brought
other issues with it, therefor the detection was turned off again
in 4.8.2

the solution is not to keep references in python of objects
owned by qt when they might get deleted.

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Mailing List SVR
<> wrote:
> I can confirm the segfault:
> - linux, kernel 2.6.36
> - python 2.7.1
> - pyqt 4.8.2
> - qt 4.7.1
> works fine with PySide,
> Nicola
> Il giorno mer, 19/01/2011 alle 08.36 +0100, Vicent Mas ha scritto:
>> 2011/1/18 Nick Gaens <>:
>> > - Win7 64bit
>> > - Python 2.6.6 (r266:84297, Aug 24 2010, 18:46:32) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
>> > (Intel)] on win32
>> > - Qt v4.7.0
>> > - PyQt GPL v4.8.1 for Python v2.6
>> > Result: no crashes, works like a charm..
>> >
>> Hi,
>> I get the crash also on Windows Vista 32bit (again Python 2.6 and PyQt 4.8.2)
>> Vicent
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