
I've just QComboBox cells in a column of my QTableWidget. I need to know the row and column where they are when the user changes the index of a ComboBox.

I do this with currentRow() and currentColumn() with the SIGNAL ("currentIndexChanged (int)") of QComboBox, but it only works the first time. If I change another combobox after the first, currentColumn CurrentRow still always pointing to the values of the first combobox changed.


1) An QComboBox had changed its index.

CurrentRow = 5
currentColumn = 0

2) Another QComboBox is amended:

CurrentRow = 5 (should be 8!)
currentColumn = 0

But if I click a cell in another column before you click the next cell with combobox works properly, see:

Example 2:

1) An QComboBox had changed its index.

CurrentRow = 5
currentColumn = 0

2) I click any cell in a column other than the last (last = 0), for example, cell line 3 and column 5.

3) Then when I change the QComboBox standing in line 8, it works, see:

CurrentRow = 8 (must be 8! Ok)
currentColumn = 0

This is a bug in QTableWidget?


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