On Tue, 2011-02-01 at 17:18 +0100, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:

> Yes, the relevant targets are called windows:mingw:win{32,64}, but I 
> haven't tried them myself, hence I don't know about any related 
> caveats.

Which repo are the mingw version in? I looked around and did not find
them. I do see the very current Linux version in home:frispete. Thanks
for that pointer.

> I don't know, if you noticed, but home:frispete:PyQt and 
> home:frispete:PyQt-next seem to work out pretty fine. The latter gets 
> automatically updated, whenever Phil releases a new snapshot. It might 
> be worth sticking our heads together in order to generate a nice 
> alternative to Phil's windows builds. BTW, what are Phil's packages 
> lacking?

I think it is more a matter of having the Windows and Linux releases be
the same. Also, I do cross compiling of Windows apps on Linux. It is
really convenient to have the Windows things installed in the Linux file
system. I use the mingw32 packages in OBS for this. Only weirdos like me
install Windows packages on Linux from RPMs. But if you do cross
platform development, it really makes life easier!

Of course, I am not even using PyQt yet. I am in the investigatory
stage. Getting the lay of the land, so to speak.

Roger Oberholtzer

OPQ Systems / Ramböll RST

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