On Sat, 16 Apr 2011 18:55:43 +0200, Gelonida Gmail wrote:

> I'd like to have a small QWebview window in our application, which could
> display the contents of a web page requiring Flash.
> Is this possible with PyQT?
> If yes, is it possible
> - on a Windows platform
> - on a linux platform

Yes, on both, but much depends on the versions of the Flash plugin and the
WebKit library being used. It's probably best to ask people which versions
of Qt they are using successfully together with Flash then test those

> which version of Flash would be supported and what would be the procedure:
> - to install the flash plugin

This would be the place used by Firefox.

> - tell pyqt where the plugins are located

The Qt 4.5 documentation had a section about this:


In other words, it shouldn't be necessary to do anything.

> - activate the plugin for a given QWebview window

I don't think you can enable/disable plugins on a per-window basis. I could
be wrong, however, and I'm sure that there are people reading this that do
a lot more with WebKit than I do.

> What versions would be supported.

I'm not sure about this. Searching this mailing list's archives and those
for qt-interest might reveal some data.

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