On Tue May 17 10:21:04 BST 2011, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> On Monday 16 May 2011, 14:28:00 Anoop Panavalappil wrote:
> > I am developing a simple cross platform GUI using PyQt. I have tried
> > to show the about dialog using QMessageBox.about() with richtext
> > formatting with html tags (<b>, <br>, and <a>). The dialog correctly
> > renders the HTML but the links are not working.
> >
> > Interestingly, when I tried the QMessageBox.aboutQt() to show the
> > "About Qt" dialog, the links in that dialog doesn't work either. Same
> > with the "About Qt" dialog form the help menu of Qt Designer also.
> >
> > Is there any workaround for the issue? Or is it a reported bug?
> Works for me. Since you didn't told us your OS/versions, I will leave it
> up to you to find out mine. Hehe.

Anoop and I discussed the problem on IRC. We're both using Qt 4.7.2. The
problem occurs with KDE 4 on Kubuntu (10.10, if I remember correctly).
On the other hand, on KDE 3 and Windows, it apparently works fine.

It might be worth asking about the issue on a KDE or Kubuntu mailing list.

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