Il giorno dom, 15/05/2011 alle 00.22 -0400, Luke Campagnola ha scritto:
> Howdy,
> I have just compiled PyQt 4.8.4 in WinXP using MinGW from the Qt SDK.
> I configured both sip and PyQt with --debug turned on (but had to
> modify the makefiles to link against python26 instead of python26_d).
> My problem right now is that these did not produce importable modules
> (for instance, I have QtCore_d.pyd installed instead of QtCore.pyd).
> If I recompile without the debug flag, everything works fine (but I
> get no debugging symbols via GDB). 
> Am I missing something obvious here? 
> Are there perhaps any hand-holding documents describing how to get
> debuggable pyqt on windows?

I guess such document would be really useful for most people ... I'm
unable to debug pyqt app on windows too 

> Luke
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