On 28/06/11 16:50, Nathan Weston wrote:
QLineEdit has some keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl+Z for Undo) that clash
with the shortcuts for QActions in my application menus. When a
QLineEdit has keyboard focus, it intercepts these shortcuts and my
QActions are never triggered.

I'd like to give application-level shortcuts precedence over QLineEdit's
shortcuts, but I can't seem to find a clean and general way to do this.

Alternatively, is there a way to customize the keyboard shortcuts in
QLineEdit? If I could disable some of the problematic shortcuts that
would be a reasonable workaround.

the default key bindings for QLineEdit are hard-coded, but the actual key sequences used are platform-dependent (and the same goes for most (all?) other widgets which have them).

but what is your reason for wanting to change the default behaviour?

as a user, i would expect all the 'normal' shortcuts to work when typing in a line edit. if Ctrl+Z undid something in some other widget that i wasn't looking at, it could become very confusing. (IIRC this was how things used to work with qt3 - and good riddance to that!).
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