On 30/06/11 16:56, Nathan Weston wrote:
On 6/30/2011 10:44 AM, Nathan Weston wrote:
On 6/29/2011 6:16 PM, Baz Walter wrote:
I updated to the latest Qt/PyQt and it's working now. My original
application is working correctly as well.

glad you got it working.

one final thought: rather stupidly, i completely forgot about QEvent.ShortcutOverride, which may well be exactly what you were originally looking for.

it could be used something like this:

    def event(self, event):
        if (not self._editable and
            event.type() == QEvent.ShortcutOverride):
            return False
        return QLineEdit.event(self, event)

better late than never, i suppose :/
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