On Fri, 8 Jul 2011 08:46:24 AM David Boddie wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jul 2011 16:04:29 +0200, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> > On Thursday 07 July 2011, 14:00:28 Algis Kabaila wrote:
> > > The message does occur exactly the same way when the scripts are
> > > fired from CLI. I should try it on a gnome desktop in order to avoid
> > > PyKDE4.
> > 
> > No, it's not a PyKDE4 issue. It's triggered deep under the covers
> > somewhere between KDE4 and Qt4. We will have to wait for the respective
> > people to have it fixed one day.
> Could it be a style issue? There's some interaction between Qt and KDE in
> the style engine.
> David

@Pete - I really do appreciate your helpful comments.  It is people like you 
that keep me interested in software issues "at the sunset of my life" (as my 
even older sister says - "I don't mind dying, just not today - and not 
tomorrow")    :)

@Baz - yes, I've noticed that "find" in the message. Checked the "help" on my 
Konqueror. The "about KDE" indicates that KDE is 4.6.2.  So one notch newer 
than the version where the problem has been fixed.

The suggestion to remove the "compatibility" plugin is certainly worth trying. 
I will try it and report back the result.

@ David - interesting suggestion, but it leaves me wondering how to make use 
of it.  There is every likelihood that there is "some interaction".

Thank you one and all. Greatly appreciated.

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