On Wednesday, August 03, 2011 04:49:49 PM Martin Airs wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 August 2011 17:42:56 Martin Airs wrote:
> > well I managed to achieve what I was after, I used a scene and
> > graphicsTextItem's in the end
> > 
> > here's a little vid, http://airs.me.uk/Videos/chatwindow.ogv
> > 
> > its not 100% finished obviously, but you get the idea
> > 
> > Martin
> sorry forgot to ask, can this same effect be achieved with a
> QTextBrowser/QTextEdit?
> Martin
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I think it's possible, I think the easiest way to is find out the height and 
fill in the top parts (works top down, by default it starts on the first line) 
with spaces or set the cursor on the bottom and keep appending to the page. 
Underneath both is a QTextDocument that you can check out for some these 
details also. Personally I've only started at the top then worked my way down, 
instead of the bottom up like that, because of this I could be very wrong.

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