Hello all,

I am having problems with an unresponsive GUI.
I have a GUI for a client in a client / server program.
For long running operations, I implemented a QThread subclass and do
everything in the run method.

Still, I have an unresponsive GUI.
If I replace all the the server calls with a time.sleep, its still a
long running process but the GUI is responsive.

Why would server calls in a separate thread be different from sleep
calls in a separate thread?

Perhaps I am setting this up entirely wrong.... this is how I have
things hooked up.

The GUI Thread, when a button is pressed creates an instance of this
QThread subclass.
It connects the QThread subclass's finished signal to a slot called update_list.
It then calls the start method.
The QThread subclass traverses a big structure and stores results in
an instance variable called data.
So, when the thread is finished, the update_list slot is called and in
there it gets results via self.sender().data

If I'm doing something completely boneheaded, let me know.

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