On Thu, 1 Sep 2011 23:04:06 +0200, Andreas Pakulat <ap...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm facing a small problem with QSettings and storing a python list in
> it. It seems that I can't store an empty list properly into a QSettings
> object, its always converted to an invalid QVariant somewhere along the
> way. The attached sample script shows this, all is well until I create a
> new QSettings object from the file and try to get the list again. The
> printout of the ini file also shows this.
> Specifying the type for the value() call does not work, that raises an
> error that the conversion of the QVariant does not work due to different
> typeids (0 vs.  256).
> Am I doing something wrong or do I really need to serialize the list
> manually into a string? (Can't even use QStringList here since thats not
> available with the v2 API).
> sip: 4.12.1
> PyQt: 4.8.3
> Qt: 4.7.3

The problem with specifying an explicit type should be fixed in tonight's

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