Can you please specify *what line* this AttributeError is pointing at?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 14:04, <> wrote:

>  Hi guys,
> I wrote a tiny class for delaying splash screen in C++ but when I tired to
> re-write it in python it didn't work!
> I got "AttributeError TeSplashScreen object has no attribut QFrate"
> although TeSplashScreen inherited from QFrame
> Could you please help me, I'm still a newbie in PyQt and Python.
> from PyQt4.QtCore import *
> from PyQt4.QtGui import *
> import sysclass TeSplashScreen(QFrame):
>     """
>     Splash doc
>     """
>     app = QApplication(sys.argv)
>     sPixmap = QPixmap(10,  10)
>     sMessage = QString()
>     messages = ["nothing"]
>     sAlignment = 0
>     sColor = QColor()
>     def __init__(self,  pixmap):
>         self.sPixmap =  pixmap
>         self.QFrame(self, Qt.FramelessWindowHint|Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
>         self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground)
>         self.setFixedSize(sPixmap.size())
>     def clearMessage(self):
>         sMessage.clear()
>         repaint()
>     def showMessage(self,  theMessage, theAlignment, theColor):
>         self.sMessage  = theMessage
>         self.sAlignment = theAlignment
>         self.sColor  = theColor
>         repaint()
>     def paintEvent(self, pe):
>         aTextRect(rect())
>         aTextRect.setRect(aTextRect.x()+5, aTextRect.y()+5, 
> aTextRect.width()-10, aTextRect.height()-10)
>         aPainter = QPainter(self)
>         aPainter.drawPixmap(rect(), self.sPixmap)
>         aPainter.setPen(self.sColor)
>         aPainter.drawText(aTextRect, self.sAlignment, self.sMessage)
>     def showSplash(self,  delay, messages, alignment, color):
>         delay = 0
>         self.messages = messages
>         alignment = 0
>         color = QColor(color)
>         class SleeperThread(QThread):
>             msecs = 0
>             QThread.msleep(msecs)
>         aSplashScreen = TeSplashScreen(self.sPixmap)
>         for i in range(len(messages)):
>             aSplashScreen.showMessage(messages[i], alignment, color)
>             SleeperThread.msleep(delay)
> #    def showSplash(delay, messages, alignment, color):
> #        delay = 0
> #        messages = QStringList()
> #        alignment = 0
> #        color = QColor()
> #        class SleeperThread(QThread):
> #            msecs = 0
> #            QThread.msleep(msecs)
> #        aSplashScreen = TeSplashScreen(sPixmap)
> #
> #        for i in range(messages.count()):
> #            aSplashScreen.showMessage(messages[i], alignment, color)
> #            SleeperThread.msleep(delay)
> tesplashscreen.h
> #include <QFrame>#include <QPainter>#include <QThread>
> class TeSplashScreen : public QFrame
> {public:
>     TeSplashScreen(const QPixmap& pixmap);
>     void showMessage(const QString& theMessage, int theAlignment = 
> Qt::AlignLeft, const QColor& theColor = Qt::black);
>     void showSplash(int delay, QStringList messages, int alignment = 
> Qt::AlignLeft, const QColor& color = Qt::black);
>     void showSplash(QList<int> delaies, int defaultDelay, QStringList 
> messages, int alignment = Qt::AlignLeft, const QColor& color = Qt::black);
> private:
>     virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* pe);
>     void clearMessage();
>     QPixmap sPixmap;
>     QString sMessage;
>     int sAlignment;
>     QColor sColor;
> };
> tesplashscreen.cpp
> #include "tesplashscreen.h"
> TeSplashScreen::TeSplashScreen(const QPixmap& thePixmap)
>     : QFrame(0, Qt::FramelessWindowHint|Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint)
>     , sPixmap(thePixmap)
> {
>     setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground);
>     setFixedSize(sPixmap.size());
> };
> void TeSplashScreen::clearMessage()
> {
>     sMessage.clear();
>     repaint();
> }
> void TeSplashScreen::showMessage(const QString& theMessage, int theAlignment, 
> const QColor& theColor)
> {
>     sMessage  = theMessage;
>     sAlignment = theAlignment;
>     sColor  = theColor;
>     repaint();
> }
> void TeSplashScreen::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* pe)
> {
>     QRect aTextRect(rect());
>     aTextRect.setRect(aTextRect.x()+5, aTextRect.y()+5, aTextRect.width()-10, 
> aTextRect.height()-10);
>     QPainter aPainter(this);
>     aPainter.drawPixmap(rect(), sPixmap);
>     aPainter.setPen(sColor);
>     aPainter.drawText(aTextRect, sAlignment, sMessage);
> }
> void TeSplashScreen::showSplash(int delay, QStringList messages, int 
> alignment, const QColor& color)
> {
>     class SleeperThread : public QThread
>     {
>     public:
>         static void msleep(unsigned long msecs) {QThread::msleep(msecs);}
>     };
>     TeSplashScreen* aSplashScreen = new TeSplashScreen(sPixmap);
>     aSplashScreen->show();
>     for(int i=0; i<messages.count();++i)
>     {
>         aSplashScreen->showMessage(messages[i], alignment, color);
>         SleeperThread::msleep(delay);
>     }
>     delete aSplashScreen;
> }
> void TeSplashScreen::showSplash(QList<int> delaies, int defaultDelay, 
> QStringList messages, int alignment, const QColor& color)
> {
>     class SleeperThread : public QThread
>     {
>     public:
>         static void msleep(unsigned long msecs) {QThread::msleep(msecs);}
>     };
>     TeSplashScreen* aSplashScreen = new TeSplashScreen(sPixmap);
>     aSplashScreen->show();
>     for(int i=0; i<messages.count();++i)
>     {
>         aSplashScreen->showMessage(messages[i], alignment, color);
>         if(i<delaies.count())
>             SleeperThread::msleep(delaies[i]);
>         else
>             SleeperThread::msleep(defaultDelay);
>     }
>     delete aSplashScreen;
> }
> --
> Best Regards
> Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi
> My Blog:
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