On 05/10/11 20:45, Glenn Ramsey wrote:
On 05/10/11 20:18, Phil Thompson wrote:
On Wed, 05 Oct 2011 10:23:18 +1300, Glenn Ramsey<g...@componic.co.nz>
I'm having some trouble with a simple SIP wrapper for a QWidget derived

# Output
HostWidget(): argument 1 has unexpected type 'QWidget'

Nothing obviously wrong, so you need to provide a complete example and
version numbers.


Ok, Thanks. A bit more searching seems to indicate that this problem might be
caused by a version mismatch. I recently updated Visual Studio which may be
relevant. I'm going to rebuild PyQt and see if that helps.


That was the problem. I had updated Qt (but kept the old version on the machine) and also PyQt but PyQt was still using the old version of Qt. I only noticed this after removing the old Qt version when the configure.py was still trying to find the old Qt installation, despite correctly finding qmake from the newer one.

This is because the configure script builds a C++ program that queries Qt for the config info and I had the PyQt bin directory on my path, so it was finding the dlls in there from the old Qt version.


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