On Sun, 04 Dec 2011 20:06:35 +0000, Chris Mayo
<cjm...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> The only includes at the top of the generated
>> are:
>> #include "sipAPIQtDBus.h"
>> #line 241
>> #include <qvariant.h>
>> #line 35
>> If I manually add:
>> #include <qdbusextratypes.h>
>> make appears to complete.
> All my mistake. In trying to investigate the first compilation problem I

> was zapping out the #include <qdbusextratypes.h> in qdbusextratypes.sip 
> and forget to remove it when trying out the newer snapshots. Sorry for 
> wasting your time.
> I now have working arrays of object paths.
> Chris

Excellent. Let me know if anything else "feels wrong" or if there might be
a better way to do things.

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