On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 09:16:19 -0500, Teodor Calin Hanchevici
<calin.hanchev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> I doubt that this is the problem. I ran the following:

Sorry, I mis-read your previous email.

> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9>"C:\Python27\sip" -w -o -x
> VendorID -t WS_WIN -x PyQt_OpenSSL -x PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug -t Qt_4_8_0
> Py_v3 -g -a QtNetwork.api -c
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9\QtNetwork -b
> QtNetwork\QtNetwork.sbf -I C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9\sip
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9/sip/QtNetwork/QtNetworkmod.sip
> sip: __or__() unsupported function return type - provide %MethodCode and
> C++ signature
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9>sip -w -o -x VendorID -t
> -x PyQt_OpenSSL -x PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug -t Qt_4_8_0 -x Py_v3 -g -a
> QtNetwork.api -c C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9\QtNetwork -b
> QtNetwork\QtNetwork.sbf -I
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9\sip
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9/sip/QtNetwork/QtNetworkmod.sip
> sip: __or__() unsupported function return type - provide %MethodCode and
> C++ signature
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9>sip.exe -w -o -x VendorID -t
> WS_WIN -x PyQt_OpenSSL -x PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug -t Qt_4_8_0 -x Py_v3 -g
> QtNetwork.api -c C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9\QtNetwork -b
> QtNetwork\QtNetwork.sbf -I
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9\sip
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9/sip/QtNetwork/QtNetworkmod.sip
> sip: __or__() unsupported function return type - provide %MethodCode and
> C++ signature
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9>"C:\Python27\sip.exe" -w -o -x
> VendorID -t WS_WIN -x PyQt_OpenSSL -x PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug -t Qt_4_8_0
> Py_v3 -g -a QtNetwork.api -c
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9\QtNetwork -b
> QtNetwork\QtNetwork.sbf -I C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9\sip
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9/sip/QtNetwork/QtNetworkmod.sip
> sip: __or__() unsupported function return type - provide %MethodCode and
> C++ signature
> I am able to configure the package as follows:
> C:\home\3rdparty\sources\PyQt-win-gpl-4.9>python configure.py --verbose
> QtCore -e QtHelp -e QtScriptTools  -e QtXml -e QtDBus -eQtMultimedia  -e
> QtSql -e QtDeclarative  -e QtSvg -e QAxContainer -e QtDesigner -e
> -e QtTest -e QtAssistant -e QtGui -e QtScript -e QtWebKit
> QtNetwork and QtXmlPatterns give the same errors.

I don't know. The message implies a mis-match between the version of sip
and the version of PyQt (ie. its .sip files). Obviously it works for me,
and I haven't seen anybody else report a similar problem. I would still
suspect the QCIS installation.

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