Le 15/02/12 17:49, Tom Brander a écrit :
Installed SIP with configure.py, make and make install for Python2.7
but when I went to configure.py for pyqt I get 
Error: Make sure you have a working Qt v4 qmake on your PATH or use the -q
argument to explicitly specify a working Qt v4 qmake.
Using Ubuntu10.10

I thought configure.py creates the required make files.. what am I missing?

Tom Brander
http://oswco.com -Open Software
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qmake is not create by configure.py.

qmake is the program make for qt.

What's the return of the command:

$ whereis qmake

Normally, this is /usr/bin/qmake

Also, you don't need sudo for configure, only for make install

Vincent V.V.
Oqapy . Qarte+7 . PaQager

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