Am 17.06.2012 18:29, schrieb David Beck:
I am trying to build a GUI for navigating through a large XML database on a Mac running OS 
10.7, Python 3.3, PyQt 4. I want to get a list of the text in all of the nodes 
called<Orth>  and put them into a QListWidget called "hLexNav". To do this, I 
wrote the following bit of code (this isn't the whole thing, just the parts that are supposed 
to add items to the listbox):

import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from xml.dom import minidom
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from fieldbookGui import Ui_Fieldbook
import images
import btnCmds

class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow):
   def __init__(self, parent=None):
     QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
     self.ui = Ui_Fieldbook()

     xmltree = etree.parse('BabyDb.xml')
     root = xmltree.getroot()
     for child in root:

The first 25 items that are returned by child.findtext('Orth') are:

['a:', 'a:cháj', 'a:chulá:', "a:hé:xtu'", 'a:ho:tán', 'a:kús', "a:li:ma'htín", 'a:li:stá:n', 'a:má', "a:ma'ha:'pi'tzí'n", 'a:mixtzayán', 'a:nanú:', 'a:tú:n', 
'a:tzá:', "a:tzemá'j", 'a:xí:lh', 'a:xtúm', 'a:xú:x', "a:'hála'", "a:'j", "a:'jmá", "a:'jnanú:", "a:'jtzá:", 
"a:'jtzananú:", "a:'kní:"]

In the QListWidget created by this code, I see only items corresponding to those elements that do 
not contain accented vowels (here, those that don't contain "á", "ú", etc.); 
items that correpsond to strings with accented vowels are left empty. Further experimentation with 
addItem( ), addItems(), and insertItem( ) show that any string that contains an non-ASCII character 
results in an empty Item being inserted into the QListWidget.

Any ideas about what is going on would be appreciated.

Are you 100 % sure that unicode is handled properly while reading the xml? I never had problems with unicode and PyQt but I strictly using unicode strings only in my apps.

This for example works for me (Python 2.7):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import sys
    from PyQt4.QtGui import *
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    list_widget = QListWidget()
    list_widget.addItem(u"ÄÜ^°  là lÁ")

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