On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 19:42:38 +0200, Hernan Grecco
>> Current PyQt4 snapshots build against the alpha release of Qt5 (QtCore
>> and
>> QtGui modules only at the moment). This will allow you to run your
>> current
>> PyQt4 code with Qt5. You will get any speed improvements, bug fixes etc
>> in
>> Qt5 but not any of the new functionality.
>> There will be a PyQt5 that will support the new functionality of Qt5,
>> reflect its different structure (eg. QWidget will be in PyQt5.QtWidgets
>> rather than PyQt4.QtGui). Backwards compatibility with PyQt4 will not
>> maintained.
> Is there going to be any support for selecting Qt4 or Qt5 via flag
> (like sip.setapi) o are you planning to at some point make a PyQt5
> package that uses only Qt5 while PyQt4 only uses Qt4?

PyQt5 would build against Qt5 only.

PyQt4 would build against Qt4 or Qt5. The API wouldn't change (well, not
much as the Qt5 API isn't exactly the same as the Qt4 API).

The Qt version is a compile time issue.

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