On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 17:06:30 +0200, Santiago Reig <santir...@gmail.com>
>> I tried to build latest PyQt4 on Mac OS X Lion without success. The
>> command
>> python3 configure.py --verbose
>> gives this output.
>> Determining the layout of your Qt installation...
>> /usr/bin/qmake -spec default -o qtdirs.mk qtdirs.pro
>> Error: /usr/bin/qmake failed to create a makefile. Make sure you have a
>> working
>> Qt v4 qmake on your PATH or use the -q argument to explicitly specify a
>> working
>> Qt v4 qmake.
> I was struggling all morning to get this fixed, but got that error
> whatever I did. I was just recompiling my project again to get the
> error and post it here.
> I can confirm that it also happens with python 2.7.1 and 2.7.2, also
> under Mac OS X Lion.

Edit the initialisation of qt_macx_spec in configure.py and change it from
'default' to 'macx-g++'.

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