On 27.08.2012, 14:34:10 Phil Thompson wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Aug 2012 22:22:40 +0200, mathias.b...@gmx.de wrote:
>> On 26.08.2012, 16:07:52 Phil Thompson wrote:
>>> On Sun, 26 Aug 2012 14:30:32 +0200, mathias.b...@gmx.de wrote:
>>>> On 26.08.2012, 16:46:24 Phil Thompson wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 15:54:11 +0200, mathias.b...@gmx.de wrote:
>>>>>> ...
>>> Should all be fixed in current hg and tonight's snapshot.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Phil
>> Ok, I pulled from the hg and could build everything. Quite nifty.
>> One can now use class instances implemented in python just like
>> normal C++ without any additional worries.
>> One issue though. Discussions like
>> http://www.boost.org/community/error_handling.html
>> suggest that SIPPyException should be derived from std::exception.
>> My original suggestion was a bit short-sighted. It would be even
>> better to let the user define his own exception class.
>> I'm using sip to embed python code into a Qt/C++ program. Every
>> exception is reported to the user via a message box:
>> catch(std::exception const& exc)
>> {
>>   QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", exc.what(),
>>   QMessageBox::Ok).exec();
>> }
>> With SIPPyException the way it is, I need to add another exception
>> handler everywhere:
>> catch(SIPPyException const&)
>> {
>>   QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", pythonExceptionToText(),
>>   QMessageBox::Ok).exec();
>> }
>> If I could provide a function to call instead of just doing
>> "throw SIPPyException()", I could throw an exception there myself
>> as I see fit. For example, there could be a directive
>> %MethodErrorHandlerCode
>>   throw std::runtime_error(pythonExceptionToText());
>> %End
>> which would follow the %Module directive to define the body of an
>> error handler function which is called instead of "throw
> SIPPyException()".
>> Best Regards,
>> Mathias

> In current hg...

> %VirtualErrorCode is a new sub-directive of the %Module directive.

> all_throw_cpp_exception replaced by all_use_VirtualErrorCode.

> /ThrowsCppException/ replaced by /UsesVirtualErrorCode/.

> /NoThrowsCppException/ replaced by /NoUsesVirtualErrorCode/.

> Removed SIPPyException.

> Phil

I tested this, works fine. Thank you for providing this feature.

Best Regards,
Mathias Born

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